LeadingAge California GARDEN Project
What is the LeadingAge California GARDEN Project?
The California Department of Public Health has awarded a civil monetary penalties (CMP) grant of $3.9 million to the LeadingAge California Foundation to bring Eldergrow’s interactive and purposeful program that brings nature indoors with mobile, indoor therapeutic sensory gardens and a team of Eldergrow Educators who teach therapeutic horticultural classes to 75 skilled nursing facilities.
The LeadingAge California GARDEN (Garden Access Responds to Diagnosis and Environmental Needs) Project aims to reduce resident loneliness, provide a meaningful and productive therapeutic activity, reduce depression, stimulate cognitive activity, and encourage motor skills.
The three-year project aims to directly impact the problem of social isolation and loneliness caused by COVID-19.

What is Eldergrow?
Eldergrow offers residents a therapeutic connection to nature through innovative gardening products & services. Eldergrow brings nature inside 12 months a year, improving life for the growing community of older adults living in residential and nursing care.
Therapeutic Horticulture Benefits
- Improves motor skills
- Reduces risk factors for dementia
- Elevates mood
- Improves sleep
- Reduces falls
- Reduces agitation
- Improves self-esteem
- Acts as an antidepressant
At no cost, participating SNFs receive:
- Eldergrow garden(s) and supplies
- Installation, training, and customer support
- 26 months of programming with an Eldergrow Educator
Have any questions about the GARDEN Project?
Please contact Lindsay Fowks, Grant Manager via email.